500 Internal Server Error - Cannot Checkout To POS V3

500 Internal Server Error - Cannot Checkout To POS V3

500 Internal Server Error

A workshop job when checked out to Point of Sale may incur a 500 Internal Server Error, this can be caused by several reasons, the below list outlines the known causes and fixes to allow processing of the job to be finalised and sold in Point of Sale. (See Sales Oder Management workaround at the bottom of this article) 

  1. Job has been Canceled in the Booking and then rescheduled again. 

A: The user must recreate the booking, or create an equal Estimate to checkout to POS, and manually change the status to Customer received. Alternatively, the sale could be replicated in Point of Sale Direct.

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  1. Sales Order has been Cancelled in Sales Order Management.

A: The user must recreate the booking, or create an equal Estimate to checkout to POS, and manually change the status to Customer received. Alternatively, the sale could be replicated in Point of Sale Direct.

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  1. Negative or 0 Quantity exits on a part in a Booking or Estimate.

A: Remove negative Quantity from the sale.

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  1. The Booking did not create a Sales Order/Number in the Service Parts and Labour page.

A: The sale must have parts in the Service Parts and Labour page, check in Sales Order Management to see if a Sales Order has been made, the user may have to recreate the booking, or create an equal Estimate to checkout to POS, and manually change the status to Customer received. Alternatively, the sale could be replicated in Point of Sale Direct.

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  1. The Customer does not exist in Pronto XI Accounts Receivable

A: The user must recreate the booking, or create an equal Estimate to checkout to POS, and manually change the status to Customer received. Alternatively, the sale could be replicated in Point of Sale Direct.

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  1. The sale has been already sold from the user changing the status in sales order management and processing the sale directly from there

The user needs to manually change the status in Workshop IQ to Customer Received to reflect the sale already being done

  1. A  0 or half quantity exits on a part in a Booking or Estimate.

A: Change the half quantity to 1 or more on the sale.

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  1. Too many characters in the BSSC Comment field

A: Reduce the amount of sentences in the comment line for the failed result

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Sales Orders Workaround in Sales Order Management

Sales Order Management can be used to facilitate the processing of a Sales Order from Workshop IQ to Point of Sale, when parts exist in the Service Parts and Labour page, a Sales Order has been created in the PXI back end, these are visible in the Sales Order Management DataGrid, and will have an On Hold status 

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A user can change the status of the job to enable the Sales Order to be opened in Point of sale and completeddepending on the issue a user has, selecting the correct status change is vital to the outcome, if the 500 server error is showing in Workshop IQ, changing the status to 30 or 40 is the most common way to retrieve the sale into Pont of Sale, Notejob with a Suspended  status cannot have the status changed.  

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If a Sales Order has the Status of Being Entd, this usually means it is open on a PC or has been closed mid entry and needs to be recovered, changing the status will solve this issue.

Highlight the Sales Order and change the status

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In Point of Sale, select Resume > Picking Slip, and Select to open the sale on screen

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The sale can now be Tendered.

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