AP – Cancelling a Payment
- To cancel a payment, you will need to go to Cancel Payment (AP T038).
Or find it by going Accounts Payable – Cheque Maintenance/Print – Cancel Payment
- Once selected the first thing that pops up is the transaction entry pop up which is requesting the date of this cancelled payment. Choose the same date as the payment if the period isn’t closed, otherwise choose whatever nearest date you can.
Once you have confirmed the date the next screen shows up where you need to choose your Bank Account.
- Once you have selected your Bank Account, select the Payment By action. For example if it was just a mistake then choose how it was paid (or how that supplier is defaulted to pay).
- Now select the magnifying glass in the start field
- Now use a filter on the Account header to find the supplier you are looking for, by clicking on “Account” then selected “Filter”
Put in the Supplier Code & press “Temporary”
The next screen should just filter to the supplier you filtered. Choose the payment you want to cancel, by clicking on that line so it highlights it, then press Select
- Tab/Enter down and your Start & Finish fields should have both the payment in there to cancel, enter/tab down again and type a reference in then press “OK”
You should also notice at the bottom it shows the Supplier Details & the payment you are cancelling
- Once you press Ok, press Escape to leave the cancel payment screen. You will see the batch of the payment reversal/cancellation
- You can now go check the Supplier account to see that the invoice has been added back onto the account.