AP – Finding Transactions on a Supplier
Or find it by going Accounts Payable – Maintain Supplier – Maintain Supplier Account
The following screen will show all the current transactions (invoices, credits, payments etc). Meaning if your AP month is still in March (hasn’t been rolled yet) then it will show all March transactions as well as any future ones. Once you roll March, all the March transactions will be moved out of this screen (the total transactions for the life of the supplier can be found under All.
For example if you wanted to sort by Invoice Date, then click on the Invoice Date column header “Invoice” (first column).
Once you click on the header title, it comes up with options to choose, if you click on Sort. Then you can choose to Save this View (order by Invoice Date).
Now the order is sorted by Invoice Date
If you want to change the view back to the standard default view of invoice number order then click on the “Current View” dropdown option
You can see I have multiple sort options set up. You can set up as much as you want. Totally up to you which views of the transaction listings you want to use/view.
CI = Creditor Invoice
CC = Creditor Credit
CP = Creditor Payment
Based on the above options, let’s say you want to just see Invoices, then you can filter by CI. To do this, click on the Header/Title of “Type”.
Click on Filter
Then you can save this filtered view that will just show invoices only. See how the filter is saying “CONTAINS” “CI”. You also have the option of not saving this and just clicking the “Temporary” option which basically just lets you see this view but doesn’t save it.
Also note that you can change the name of the saved view
Right now it says Type contains CI, you can change the name of this to “Only show Invoices” for example which may make more sense to you.
This has now saved in your view Dropdown list
The CP type (payment) is no longer showing
You can filter and sort anything you like, play around with what suits you.
Select the transaction you want to find
Now click on PO/Shipment
This will now show you a summary of the PO, to find the breakdown of the order & all the part lines, click on Lines