AP - General Supplier Invoices & Credits

AP - General Supplier Invoices & Credits

AP – General Supplier Invoices & Credits

This guide is to show how to do a General Supplier Invoice or Credit by using “Fast Supplier Invoice Entry”

  1. To get to “Fast Supplier Invoice Entry, you can search for “AP T020” 

Or follow the below steps

  1. Put in the Transaction Date (this is the date it will hit the General Ledger, most users put in the invoice date here).

Press “Yes” to confirm

  1. This screen is where you input the Supplier Account, Type of Invoice/Credit, Amount, Invoice Number, Reference/Details & the Invoice Date

  1. Choose the Supplier by typing in their Supplier Code or searching for them (Use Keyword or click on “Name” and filter it)

  1. If doing a general invoice, choose “I” or if doing a credit, choose “C”.

  1. Put the Amount in of the Invoice, then put the Invoice Number in.

  1. Then put in the Details of the invoice & put the invoice date in

  1. Press Tab/Enter through a couple of time until you reach the next screen asking you for the GL Account that this invoice should be allocated to as well as choosing the Tax Code for it

  1. To choose the GL Account, if you know the number type it in or click on the magnifying glass and select the GL Account

Either Scroll down and find the GL Account or use the Filter option in the Description part (which you can then save for future use & find what account you want in the dropdown menu)

Once you have found the right GL, Account, click on Select

  1. Once it is selected, tab/enter through and if you want to add/change anymore Invoice details/description here, you can, otherwise tab/enter through again, and in the “Tax” column, you can choose “I” for Inclusive Amount, “E” for Exclusive Amount or “O” for both. Majority of the time you will just leave this as “I”.

  1. Tab/Enter through once more and it will have the Amount showing. If you need to split this Invoice into 2 or more GL Accounts, make sure to just put the amount required for this GL Account/Line & then add the other GL Account after.

Also if the Tax on your Invoice isn’t 10%, then that means some portion of the Invoice is Tax-Free. 


So if some of your invoice is Tax-Free, then you will need to have 2 lines of the same GL Account. A Taxable line & the Tax-Free line, which will ensure the taxable line correctly assigns the right GST amount for you. 

For the Taxable line, make sure to choose the Tax Code as “T”

For the Tax-Free line, make sure to choose the Tax Code as “F”

Make the Taxable line below, Tax Code is “T”

Then do the Tax-Free line, Tax Code is “F”

NOTE: If your Invoice is relating to a CAPITAL PURCHASE, the Tax Code must be “C” not T

  1. Once you have correctly allocated your Invoice & Tax to the right GL Accounts & Tax Codes, then we are ready to finalise the Invoice. Tab/Enter once more and if the whole amount of the invoice has been allocated, this next screen will show up. Select Save if you are happy with it, however if you need to Edit the Transaction, select that and makes the changes necessary.

  1. This will bring you back to the first screen of the invoice, if you want to do more invoices within this Transaction batch then you can, however if you are done, then press “Escape” once to get out of doing a 2nd invoice & then press Post.

Press Escape

  1. The next screen will show you how the Batch of Invoices you have done will look, just put a “Y” next to Complete Posting to finalise it, then press Enter

Press “OK”

Lastly, press OK on this final screen

Your invoice or credit/batch of invoices/credits is now done

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