AP - How to create a Supplier
Or find it by going Accounts Payable – Maintain Supplier – Maintain Supplier Account
Put a Supplier Code in (7 letter code needed, if you don’t put 7 letters in, the system will put the missing letters/digits as numbers)
If the “Pay to” is the same then leave it as is, if you need to change the “Pay to” to another code then make sure to put that in here (for example Capricorn Suppliers, make sure their “Pay to” is put to the main Capricorn Supplier code).
Payment Select: If they are a local supplier, leave as “L”.
Payment Terms: Choose the right option for the Payment Terms of the Supplier (for example “H” for 30 Days from EOM D F-I-M-E, using the magnifying glass.
Auto Req: Leave this as the default option “Y”.
Payment Type: Hover over the field and see the options. Choose the correct payment type for this Supplier (eg. B for BPAY, E for EFT or C for Cheque).
Supplier Type: Choose the type of supplier they are (eg. PROL for Local Product Supplier, SERV for Service provider etc), using the magnifying glass.
The rest of the fields you can just tab/enter through as they are non-mandatory and unused.
The Tax Code defaults to “T” however if they are a GST-Free Supplier then an “F” is needed (will show you how to do this soon).
Once you enter through everything field here then it is saved and your new Supplier is created.
How to change the Suppliers default Tax Code to “F”
To change their Tax code you will need to select Tax Config up the top right of the screen.
Now Select “Tax Codes”
Click on “Entry”
Put in “F” in the Tax Code or you can use the magnifying glass to select the F.
Once you have selected enter/tab through, then once it thinks you want to add another Tax Code line in, just press press Escape on your keyboard & press it a second time to return back to the main Supplier screen and your Supplier has now been updated to show it being a GST-Free Supplier