AP - How to move an invoice from one Supplier to the other, using the Intra Supplier Journal process
Note: Use this function when an invoice/credit has been put against the wrong Supplier. This guide will follow this process for an INVOICE needing to be moved.
- To move an invoice/credit off the wrong Creditor onto the right Creditor then you will need to go to Intra Supplier Journal (AP T023).
Or find it by going Accounts Payable – Supplier Transactions – Intra Supplier Journal
- Once selected the first thing that pops up is the transaction entry pop up which is requesting the date of this change. You can choose the invoice date if the period isn’t closed, otherwise choose whatever date you can.
Once you have confirmed the date the next screen shows up.
- This is where you can move the invoice from one supplier to the next. The first Supplier put in here will debit the supplier account which means it will take the invoice/debt owed off the supplier. Reducing what we owe that supplier & moving it onto the correct supplier.
Think of it as the left side to right side. Taking the invoice away from the wrong supplier and moving it to the right supplier.
So we will choose the supplier we want to take the invoice off.
- Now choose the invoice you want to take off this account by clicking on the magnifying glass for “Invoice #”
- Once you have selected it, you will be at the “Details” field. Just put in the relevant details for this. For example, you can say – Officeworks Inv on wrong acc.
- The process now needs you to put the other Supplier in (the credit side). Bringing the invoice across onto this supplier account basically
Put in the supplier code & enter down & the invoice will automatically be selected
A little warning screen will appear saying that there are no transactions on this Supplier account with this reference (invoice number) which is exactly what we want to see because we are transferring this to this supplier so there shouldn’t be one on the account already. So just ignore this and press “OK”
- Enter down and the same details are inputted then press Enter again and the amount of the invoice is put in, leave this as is
- Before pressing Ok make sure this is correct, the screen will tell you some information of what will happen. Note the below is just for this example.
Due to this Test system we are using for this being stuck in an old period atm the below references are saying that the current period balance won’t be affected but the future period will be (which makes sense as we haven’t rolled our period in this test system).
- Once you are happy to process, press “OK”.
- The screen is asking you if you want to do anymore Intra Supplier Journals on this date period, if you are done simply press Escape
Press Escape
- After escaping out of this process, the batch will show of what occurred. You will see a debit and a credit.
- Press Ok and you are done. Now go and check your suppliers to see the change.