AR Manual Invoice (GVM)

AR Manual Invoice (GVM)

AR  Manual Invoice - GVM

  1. Go to Accounts Receivable [Enter]
  2. AR Transactions [Enter]
  3. Sales Invoice/Credit Entry [Enter]
  4. Entry of Manual Invoices [Enter]

  1. Type in Date of Invoice – or accept todays date [OK]

  1. Find or type in the customer code to bring up the account.

  1. Order Type is N [Enter]
  2. Then enter the Customer Reference [Enter] – This could be the VIN #
  3. Change the Warehouse to HAD [Enter]
  4. Then hit [OK]

  1. Hit Correct (Enter]
  2. This will enable updates to the Order – 
  1. Hit [Enter] if the Customer Ref is correct
  2. HAD [Enter] as we have changed already step 9
  3. Leave the date as entered [Enter]
  4. Change the Territory to [HAD] {Enter]
  5. Change the Salesperson Code to ZZGVM [enter]
  6. Customer Price leave as is [Enter]
  7. Terms discount leave as I [Enter]
  8. Sales Order Date leave as is [Enter]
  9. CRM campaign leave as is [Enter]
  10. Tax Calc Level leave as L [Enter]
  11. Then hit Lines to go to the next stage [Enter]

  1. The Lines screen will appear
  1. It will look as per the below screen

  1. We then need to populate the lines fields with the invoice details
  1. First enter the GL Account – FOR GVM this is 101151251000 [Enter]
  2. Then enter the Quantity – often 1 [Enter]
  3. After this the Price (exclusive of GST) for GVM Admin fee $370 as an example [Enter]
  4. Then we need to enter the Tax details Enter T for Taxable [Enter] (note F is tax free)
  5. Then the Account details will appear (GVM Sales in this case) hit [Enter]
  6. Then hit [ESC]

  1. This will bring up the next screen – with Quit in the Header hit Q for quit

  1. This will bring up the following screen
  2. In this screen the Status should come as “U” – ready to update hit [Enter]

  1. This will bring up the screen asking for your Invoice Number

  1. Enter the Invoice # - In this case I have used GVM 2008001- Year Mth Inv No. (YYMM###) [Enter]
  1. Then it will ask for the date – it will default to the current days date [Enter]

  1. This will bring up the screen below
  1. Select Print Order and Finish and that will update the invoice into the system [Enter]

  1. This then delivers the following message

  1. Hit OK and the Transaction is complete.

  1. To Print a copy of the invoice after you have completed the transaction

  1. Go to Invoice/Transaction as per below:

  1. Type in the invoice number. GVM 200801 [Enter]
  2. Select the invoice and then click on Order.

This will take to the Sales Order Archive. 

  1. Click on Reprint to create a spool file.

That will then bring the screen that asks you to confirm you would like to reprint

Yes [Enter]

  1. Invoices are then reprinted

Go to the Report Manager to either print or email the invoice.