- Go to Accounts Receivable [Enter]
- AR Transactions [Enter]
- Sales Invoice/Credit Entry [Enter]
- Entry of Manual Invoices [Enter]
- Type in Date of Invoice – or accept todays date [OK]
- Find or type in the customer code to bring up the account.
- Order Type is N [Enter]
- Then enter the Customer Reference [Enter] – This could be the VIN #
- Change the Warehouse to HAD [Enter]
- Then hit [OK]
- Hit Correct (Enter]
- This will enable updates to the Order –
- Hit [Enter] if the Customer Ref is correct
- HAD [Enter] as we have changed already step 9
- Leave the date as entered [Enter]
- Change the Territory to [HAD] {Enter]
- Change the Salesperson Code to ZZGVM [enter]
- Customer Price leave as is [Enter]
- Terms discount leave as I [Enter]
- Sales Order Date leave as is [Enter]
- CRM campaign leave as is [Enter]
- Tax Calc Level leave as L [Enter]
- Then hit Lines to go to the next stage [Enter]
- The Lines screen will appear
- It will look as per the below screen
- We then need to populate the lines fields with the invoice details
- First enter the GL Account – FOR GVM this is 101151251000 [Enter]
- Then enter the Quantity – often 1 [Enter]
- After this the Price (exclusive of GST) for GVM Admin fee $370 as an example [Enter]
- Then we need to enter the Tax details Enter T for Taxable [Enter] (note F is tax free)
- Then the Account details will appear (GVM Sales in this case) hit [Enter]
- Then hit [ESC]
- This will bring up the next screen – with Quit in the Header hit Q for quit
- This will bring up the following screen
- In this screen the Status should come as “U” – ready to update hit [Enter]
- This will bring up the screen asking for your Invoice Number
- Enter the Invoice # - In this case I have used GVM 2008001- Year Mth Inv No. (YYMM###) [Enter]
- Then it will ask for the date – it will default to the current days date [Enter]
- This will bring up the screen below
- Select Print Order and Finish and that will update the invoice into the system [Enter]
- This then delivers the following message
- Hit OK and the Transaction is complete.
- To Print a copy of the invoice after you have completed the transaction
- Go to Invoice/Transaction as per below:
- Type in the invoice number. GVM 200801 [Enter]
- Select the invoice and then click on Order.
This will take to the Sales Order Archive.
- Click on Reprint to create a spool file.
That will then bring the screen that asks you to confirm you would like to reprint
Yes [Enter]
- Invoices are then reprinted
Go to the Report Manager to either print or email the invoice.