- Go to Customer Maintenance
- Click on .
- Find or type in the customer code to bring up the account.
- Click on Transactions.
- Click on Sales Order.
- Click on Reprint.
The below pop up will appear stating that a spool file has been created.
- Go to the Report Manager – Press F5.
- To print the invoice, click Print.
- To email a copy of the invoice, click on Other.
- Choose either “email2me” to email to your own email or “email_out” to email a copy to the customer.
Email_out – emailed to customer address on account
Email2me – emailed a copy to oneself.
Option 2:
- Go to Invoice/Transaction as per below:
- Type in the invoice number.
- Select the invoice and then click on Order.
This will take to the Sales Order Archive.
- Click on Reprint to create a spool file.
Click Yes to confirm.
Go to the Report Manager to either print or email the invoice.