Prior to running a stocktake, ensure all basic housekeeping is done.
Go to Inventory > Inventory Transactions > Stocktake > Prepare Stocktake (INV.M177) in Pronto Xi.
Leave Stocktake Control as blank, it will auto populate the next available control code automatically.
Leave Cycling Code as Blank.
Enter your Store Code into the Start Warehouse and End Warehouse. HINT: Ensure this is set correctly.
You can restrict (e.g. Only count a product type) the stocktake by the following use the start and end for the respective fields.
Item Code
ABC Class
Product Group
Bin Locations (Put End Location to PY to avoid PZ’s)
Leave Start and end cyclic cutoff date and Freeze Date as blank.
Clear Range as R.
User 1 stocktake record per item as Y.
Show warehouse stock on sheets: N will not show the current balance, Y will show current balance.
Print Sequence/Order: use L if using Locations or S for Part Number Order.
Incl Non-moving Items w/Zero OH Balance: use Z.
Serialised Items Only use B.
Print Locn & Bulk Loc use Y.
Print Extended Descriptions use N.
Nbr Blank Lines between Items use 0.
Print Serial Numbers on Sheets use Y. This will show PZ Lots.
Print GTINs on Sheets use N.
QOH including Pending Update Qty’s put Y.
Item Group use N.
Print Piece Details use Y
You will see a screen for Including Pending Updates. Ignore the warning as this will not cause you any issues assuming you have done you pre-stocktake preparation.
Include Sales Orders set to Y.
Sales orders to include use I.
Include Purchase Orders use N.
After this you receive Processing Options Screen – choose I for Immediate.
The system will now go through all the inventory items matching these criteria to produce your stocktake sheets.
You can now Print these sheets to start counting.
Count the Part numbers in the same order as on the sheets. Start with Sheet 1 and work your way through.
Complete the whole page before moving on to the next one.
Do not start with page 5 and then count page 20 etc.
If you need to remove a part that hasn’t been counted yet, advise the people counting it to add the parts into the sheets.
HINT: have coloured paper in place of product item removed by whom, when, which vehicle and quantity. The stock counter must add this to their count. Once invoiced it will then (as normal) remove it from the stockholdings in the system (and the physical removal of stock had / has already occurred)
Once you have completed your page, take it to the person entering the counts in.
The Person who performs the count cannot be the person entering the counts in the system.
Go to Inventory > Inventory transactions > Stocktake > Enter Stocktake Counts (INV.M159)
Stocktake Control – This number is the Control No. in the middle of the stocktake sheets. Enter Y in the field that appears to the right.
Stocktake Cyclic Code – Leave Blank
Enter using multi units – N
Required Mode – S if your sheets were run by Part No or L if your sheets were run in Location order.
You next screen will display the part number, bin location and quantity showing.
Enter in the amount the staff have counted, highlight any that have a discrepancy.
Enter to confirm and then complete the confirmation.
You can escape out of this screen at any point if you need to check something. Simply go back into the Enter Counts screen and put your Stocktake Control code back it and it will continue from where you were up to.
Once All counts are entered it will reach a Totals Screen where the Stocktake counts not entered should read 0.
Click ok and your entry of the counts is completed.
If you typo a count, find extra units after key a count or alternatively, find items that were not on the sheets, you can correct these by doing the following.
In Inventory > Inventory Transactions > Stocktake > Maintain Stocktake Control > Stocktake Enquiry/Maintenance > Item Code Order (INV.M208)
Apply a filter on the right side on the field Control Code to match the control code of the stocktake you are altering.
You can find the part number that was mis keyed, and use correct to change the count and enter through the count date column.
Use Entry to add the Warehouse Code, Part Number and Picking Location (If used), Enter across until you enter the Count Qty and Count date, and then confirm the Control Code (Make sure this is correct including any Leading Zeros) and the confirm.
Inform your Sales and Operations Manager (or whoever is overseeing your stocktake) that all counts are completed.
When the store has informed you that they have completed entering the counts, go to your Cognos Portal.
In Team Content, Global Reports > SOMs > JS51 – Stocktake Variance at CF
Enter the Control Code provided by the store manager.
Variance or All allows you to choose whether to view a complete list of all items, or only items where there was a variance.
To Update and complete the stocktake go to Inventory > Inventory Transactions > Maintain Stocktake Control > GL Update Inventory Ledger (INV.T023)
In Control Code Enter the Control Code provided to you by the Store Manager, and use Y in the little box that appears to the right.
Counters Enter the name of the Store Manger
Count Checkers enter Your Name.
Are All Counts Updated use Y.
Update Bin Locations use N.
Update Stocktake Date use Y.
To Complete the Stocktake go to Inventory > Inventory Transactions > Stocktake > Maintain Stocktake Control > GL Update Inventory Ledger (INV.T023)
Stocktake Control: Enter the control code from the stocktake sheets and then Y in the box that appears to the right.
You may get a warning that “Not all items have been counted”, click ok.
For Counters put information about who was counting it.
For count checkers it’s the SOM and the Store Manager responsible for the stocktake.
Are All Counts Entered put Y
Update Bin Locations: N
Update Stocktake Date put Y
Confirm the transaction date – this should be the same date and press enter.
You may get a warning like below: just click Yes.
You will now get a confirmation window, click Yes.
And for the Processing Options, make sure Action is set to I and press enter.
You will now have an update Progress screen while it runs through your stocktake to.
Once the Update completes you will have a Batch Control Totals window, just click OK.
After that an GL update report, you can just close this.
Click ok on the Spool File Created and you should be back to your main menu. Stocktake complete.