Consignment stock Ordering and Transferring

Consignment stock Ordering and Transferring

Consignment stock – Ordering and Transferring

Consignment stock will be held in a virtual warehouse, the virtual warehouse will have the same warehouse code number but include a Prefix, E.g., 310c, Consignment stock will be ordered and received into the Consignment warehouse and held until required for sale, a transfer from the Consignment warehouse will be carried out to the store warehouse, making it available for sale.

Note: When Ordering Consignment stock, the Purchase Order process is the same, with the exception of the warehouse, the user must select the Consignment stock warehouse on the Purchase Order to bring it in to the consignment warehouse.
For initial PO the stock will only be received in the consignment warehouse. No invoiced will be received and processed at that stage (not required). The PO will auto-complete when goods are received - there is no need to process an invoice for it (set up done in Pronto).
Since it is a consignment stock, an invoice will be generated against the PO raised for the replenishment (for parts/stock sold).

Transferring from the Consignment Warehouse to the Store Warehouse.

1. From the Point of sale home screen, select Transfer ManagementCon-Stock Transfer


2. In the Inter Warehouse Transfer form, Enter the Item Code, then a Reference E.g., Customers name, (the reason code will default to TRANSFER), and the Transfer Quantity

The Transfer To details will populate automatically, review the transfer and OK, the Consignment stock will now be On Hand in the stores inventory.


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