A Contra Transaction is used to move an Invoice or Credit Note from an Accounts Receivable account to an Accounts Payable account. For Example, if a Franchisee has an Invoice to a Company Store, they can use a Contra Journal to process the Credit Note as a payment against the AR Invoice, and a Credit to collect on their AP account.
Go to Accounts Receivable > AR Transactios > Additional Customer Transactions > Contra Customer to Supplier
Enter your AR account and AP Account. You can either select an Invoice from the list of Invoices or Enter in the Credit Note Number/Reference. Confirm the amount to Refund. Enter any reference details you wish to put in. These will display in the Details Column on the respective accounts.
Click OK when done.
Proceed through the standard posting process. Once you return to the Contra Customer to Supplier Screen, press [ESC] once.