Data uploads – Franchisee datasets - Customer Master

Data uploads – Franchisee datasets - Customer Master

Once the files are released to load you will get an email as below, showing that the files are saved in the SharePoint directory for you to upload.  

PS. These assume that all MDM data have been replicated to franchisee dataset prior to uploads, and Warehouse, Territory & Rep codes setup.  


All CSV files should be down loaded to local drive, C:\tmp 

  1. Customer Master CSV 





  1. If any errors it’ll show up like above extract the datagrid and save to local drive as xlsx, an error log also will pop up as below, save it as html into local drive. 


  1. Looking at the error log, ignor the 1st line which is due to the header and the rest it shows as there’s no warehouse & Territory setup as code 445! Can identify that the repcode is in Red hence it is not in the system. 

  1. You could add these and try again if no errors, else send the error files that you saved locally to Wayne/Chris to investigate. 


Reload the file again, no errors should look like above. OK to upload - > Upload Single -> Upload All 

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