Despatching Picking Slips in Sales Order Management
Step 1.
To Despatch an Order from a Printed Picking Slip to an invoice, start by going to Sales Order Management and highlighting the sales order, and clicking Despatch.
Step 2.
If there are parts that were not set to ship on the picking slip that has been picked and added to the invoice, use Despatch. If everything is correct, just use Complete and go to Step 7.
Step 3.
In Despatch it will prompt for Deliver Goods, enter a Y and press Enter. Then confirm.
Step 4.
Find the Lines that need to be corrected, and then select Edit.
Step 5.
Change the Shipped Qty to how many are being invoiced and enter through. Click OK.
Step 6.
Once All lines are correct, hit Complete.
Step 7.
In Despatch it will prompt for Deliver Goods, enter a Y and press Enter. Then confirm.
Step 8.
Enter Carrier and if a consignment number is provided, change the next field to Y and enter the Consignment #. Make sure Packages is at least 1 and click ok.
Step 9.
Print Despatch to Y if you want a Delivery Docket.
Print Invoice to Y if you want the invoice to print now. If no, sale will be on status Ready to Print Inv (70). To print this, go to Sales Order Management, find the sales order, then press Forms > Invoice/Credit Note Print.