How to handle Variances in PO from Supplier Invoice – Steps
NOTE: This could be where the price is different or for when Freight was missed and needs to be added.
If the variance relates to a Price of one of the lines then we need to fix the price variance in the Inv. Select the line that needs to be updated (in this case it is line 3). Then press Price.
It then allows you to change the invoice price to what it should be (in this example I am changing it to $6.82 then press tab/enter, the “Act” column should have an “R” showing.
It is now updated.
Now to add in the missed Freight. We need to go to Charge.
Then go to Entry
Tab/Enter across to the amount column and put in the Freight charge (Exclusive of Tax). Then Enter across the Action should be R.
Then when we come to the Account column, we need to choose Freight Inwards – Finance.
To choose this go into the magnifying glass and choose your Freight Inwards – Finance View and select the account or simply put in 101551152210
Tab across and put in your Note Description (for example Shipping costs or freight)
Then once you tab across it thinks you want to do another line, just press Escape
Press Escape again
Accept the PO Variances by having “Y” for the next screen
Press Enter
Press Ok
Now the Invoice should look correct, if so, press OK, if not go back and make the necessary corrections
This next part will just mention it did the rescosting, this is fine
Press Ok on the next few screens and you are done.