How to resolve Over Credit Limit issue at POS

How to resolve Over Credit Limit issue at POS

The Customer Credit Limit and terms are set up through Accounts Receivable - AR M001.

The Credit Limit and Credit Limit Override fields define the credit terms applied to the customer for ALL unpaid transactions, not PER transactions, these fields also control the available credit to be extended to the customer account.

1. If a trade customer has multiple sales orders open, the total amount of all sales orders should not exceed the Credit limit override, or the over-credit limit error message will display.

For example, if the account already sits at owing $924.00, you cannot charge another $154.00 as the two amounts combined exceed the $1000 limit.

Checking the credit limit shows you how much credit limit the account has, as shown below:

Increasing the Credit limit will allow the processing of the sale.

2. If the Customer has outstanding payments, this will also cause the over-credit limit issue, changing the trading terms to a longer period can fix this to get the sale through but is not recommended as it is often not reversed and gives the customer a longer credit period.

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