Indent Parts - PZ Management

Indent Parts - PZ Management

Indent Parts 

Pronto identifies part numbers in three different ways, an S Type item is a continually stocked item, i.e. Pedders parts, a Z type Item is typically an item that sells a form of Labour or service LABOUR, 4WA, FREIGHT etc, then there are I Type Items which are Indent Items, these are parts that Pedders have a direct relationship with and stores will either carry stock of, or buy in regularly as required.

An internal review of some items classification has seen some brands change from an S Type  to an I Type Indent item, this does not actually affect anything as far as stores are concerned, however this change does now allow a direct Sales Order to Purchase Order link for these parts, so for example, if you have a HR-0148W on a booking in Workshop IQ, you can PO Link it using PZ management, and the same goes for all parts that are an Indent item, see the list below for some of the Brands.

Indent Parts

Hayman Reece

Reliable rack and pinion

SPF Product

ZF Product


Airbag man

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