Ninja One is what is commonly referred to as a Remote Monitoring and Management Tool (RMM).
This product allows the IT Team to remotely manage your device.
It is installed on All computers and Laptops that are distributed through head office (soon to be Android tablets as well).
We use it primarily to ensure updates to both operating system and software packages are the latest version so you dont have to worry about it and Ninja One lets us know when the machine is about to crash from lack of Memory and or Hard Disk Space.
It provides a snapshot of the PC's connected to our network as shown below
What makes my store go yellow?
Depending on the symbol next to the store it will tell you.
Below show head office is in the Red.
From the symbols next to the store you can see the key on the right side.
Head office - Pedders
- Has a failed install of an Operating System update
- Has a failed install of a Software Package
- There are warnings which include hard drive is almost full, memory usage is at maximum, The computer has not restarted in the last 7 days etc
- There are machines that need restarting for software to complete installing.
Where as Campbelltown - Pedders
Has a warning on some of the PC's and requires reboots on others.
We can then drill down to a store level to see what machines require attention.
For further information please see: