To Process an AR Journal go to Accounts Receivable > AR Transactions > GL Customer Journal – Local (AR T013)
Enter the date you want the Journal to be in your General Ledger. Note: you cannot process something to a date prior to your current AR Ledger Period.
Click Yes to Confirm Entry.
Enter the Account Code of the customer you are wanting to Journal.
Process the amount value of the journal. A positive value increases the debt on the customer, negative value lowers the debt. Once you press enter past this, the system will display the new closing balance of the account on the right.
Group Allocations: If you have multiple transactions you are wanting to write off as a group, change this to Y. Leaving as N will do Transaction by Transaction.
Click OK.
Enter the Reference (Invoice Number) you want to Journal, you can do this via keying in a reference or via the magnifying glass icon and selecting an existing one.
Key in Details – usually a note or description of why you are doing the journal. This will display on the Customer Account if you go back and view the history of the transaction.
Confirm the amount on this Transaction.
If you chose Y for Group Allocations you will be prompted to continue adding references until the total amount of the journal has been allocated to references, at which point you will then move to choosing the relevant General Ledger Accounts. If you Chose N for Group Allocations, you will be taken to the General Ledger section after each transaction reference.
Choose the General Ledger you wish to make this Journal to. In the example above I am using Bad Debts.
The details will populate the same as the details on the previous Screen. If you want to declare GST on the journal change the Tax to I, otherwise leave as N. Confirm the amount total for that General Ledger account. If you have Tax as I, choose the Tax Code and confirm the GST.
Once the total has been allocated to General Ledgers, you will be asked if you want to Save Transactions. Save them.
If this is the total amount of the AR Journal, then you will be prompted to Post the Journal.
You will now be taken back to enter another account to do a Journal on. IF you don’t want to post a journal to a second account, press escape.
You will now have a Batch Confirmation window, click ok and the Journal is done.