Raise a Sales Order – P function Direct Invoice
Pronto Xi Sales Orders Module is an order entry and invoicing system suitable for the needs of a wide variety of businesses. It handles the processing of sales orders, including the production of Invoices, Estimates, Picking Slips, dispatch of goods, and printing of consignment notes, delivery dockets, labels, and invoices. All Point of Sale Transactions is handled by the Sales Order Module. Once you have read and understood this document you will be able to raise a Sales Order for the Customer,
Step 1.
Go to the Sales Orders Module and click to open, then click on Full Order Entry, you will see today’s date, use the default date, or choose a future date and Enter through.
Step 2.
Enter the customer’s code, (we are using Customer Account CSPENAUD – Penfold Mazda for this scenario) In some cases you may be required to use the store cash account code,
Step 3.
Enter through the header sheet Noting the Type field defaults to N for normal Invoice, change this to P, or use F2 search or click on the for options, Select P,
Step 4.
If the account has multiple delivery addresses, you will be prompted to choose the correct one.
Step 5.
The Lines and Details screen will default to L, Click OK
Step 5.
You will now be in the lines function where items (parts) can be added to your Sales Order, if you know the item codes (part numbers) type the number and enter through, and you will be taken to the start of the next line automatically, NOTE, as you enter through you must input the required quantity, (a warning will appear if no quantity is entered) but you can rectify quantities and more in the next process if a mistake has been made.
You may choose to enter a note to go on the order, (E.g. Spring is a shop fit ) by choosing N or M in the Item field you can add your notes, (N) notes are public, (M) notes are internal only,
After entering all your items (Parts) and back in the item code field, use Q to exit if no further entries are required, or press escape once to take you to the Correct Mode to correct any wrong entries.
If you need to change some detail on the Item (part), scroll to the item and click correct on the top menu, the sequence field will highlight, Hit Enter, and you will get a new screen to make your adjustments, (See below)
After making your adjustments click OK to exit.
Then click quit from the toolbar to exit the screen.
Step 6.
Add the Customer Reference, this should be their Order Number.
Step 7.
Status code must now be chosen to finalise the Sales Order, select I option to go straight to Invoice or P to go through a Picking Slip/Despatch process and click OK.
Step 8.
Completing the Sales order will default to Finish the Order, this puts the order into Print Picking Slips mode, Select Print Order & Finish to print an Invoice.
Clicking Print Order and Finish will then take you back to begin another Sales Order, use escape to exit the module.