This is caused when a Sale from WIQ is processed and the invoice is set to be Both Printed and Emailed, and the user walks away and leaves the first spool file made and not letting it create the second Spool File until after the Sales Order has been updated and put to Finished status, but not yet archived. This puts the status of the sales order back to Ready to Update and gets the GL, Inventory and Debtor move twice.
To solve this issue, the store has 2 things to Fix, the Inventory Balance and the GL/Customer Account.
In this example:
Customer AccountTo fix the customer, perform an AR Journal – Against Sales and match the GST.
In the example go to Accounts Receivable > AR Transactions > GL Customer Journal – Local (AR.T013)
Enter the Date of the Sale (if you aren’t ahead of this on your Ledger Periods)
Put in the Customer Account (TESTCOD) and the amount as a negative (-237.25), leave Group Allocations as N.
In the Journal Transactions Screen, you will be prompted to choose the Customer Invoice you are clearing, you can use the Magnifying glass to find it or just key it in. Details put a note as to why the journal. The amount should auto populate correctly.
Next it will take you Balance to Allocate where you can assign a General Ledger. Here choose the Sales General Ledger or the store. Details should populate from the previous screen. Tax becomes I, inclusive amount leave as is, Tax code should be T (unless was a tax free sale in which case use F) and make sure Tax amount is the Tax amount from the Sales Order Header.
Save Transactions then Post the Journal and now escape out.
To fix the Inventory, make sure no adjustment has been made to this part since and do a stock adjustment to add the stock back in in.
Stock Adjustments can be done in Inventory > Inventory Transactions > Issue/Adjust Inventory Direct > Adjust Item Levels (INV.T011) or in Point of Sale via Inventory Management > Adjust Stock Details.
I would recommend putting the Sales Order as the Reference – Reason Code would suggest FI – Free Issue, PE Picking Error or OE – Operator Process Error.