Stocktake Process - Pedders iQ

Stocktake Process - Pedders iQ

Pedders Pronto Stocktake Process:

The Stocktake process requires access by Administrators/Finance and Managers. A short preparation is required before starting a count of the warehouse stock on hand. The prep will need to be performed by a person with a Finance Officer role or the appropriate Pronto level permissions

The Stocktake includes physical count and data entry of the results. Stock item counting can be done by all team members while only a Manager of Franchise Owner should perform Reporting and updating the General Ledger. Custom roles have been set up for the Warehouse / Store Managers to facilitate the stocktake.

Note: When a field has had a default change that the new selection is then set as the new default, use the Ctrl key, and right click on the mouse to set the new default.

Administration Preparation

Administrators are to check that in menu SYS M053 the Stocktake fields are defaulted to N before a warehouse begins a stocktake.

Check and confirm there are no outstanding Sales Orders, 

Go to InventoryMaintain InventoryControl InventoryData Quality Management (SYSM279)

Confirm the Inventory status is a ticked green, and the Calculated, Referential and Orphan & Other columns are at zero. 

The Stocktake can now be started  
  1. In Pedders IQ, Select InventoryInventory TransactionsStocktakeInitial Pre-Stocktake Check. (INVM165) (set as a favourite)

  1. Enter the parameters into the Pre stocktake Check List.

Set the Awaiting Put away Only field to N Set the Transaction Reporting field to B

Enter the warehouse code to be counted, or use F2 Look up if required,

Continue to enter through the form and OK

  1. Click OK, again to open the Pre-Stocktake Report

The report received should be mostly blank with the Warehouse Item Codes and Qty on Hand reading as NO, if there are any results not at NO, this will mean there are outstanding transactions to complete.

Note: All Sales orders must be in the status of Backorder. Any Sales Orders that are OPEN need to be set as Backorder status before commencing a stocktake. Continue to run the Initial Pre-stocktake report until cleared and all results read as NO  

Note 2: The orders set to back order will need to be pushed to release after stocktake

  1. From the Stocktake menu, select Prepare Stocktake(INV M177)

The system will Automatically generate Stocktake Control code (take note of this code). Continue to the Stocktake Cycle code and leave Blank, (the cycle code is used when you want the same parts counted every month, this is not being used)

Options for the count are by Part Number, Class and Bin Location, Pedders is not using the Class flag with the current stocked product, so Part Number, Product Group and Bin Location are the available options. 

This is the selection for which product group will be counted in this stocktake

  1. Enter through the page to the Start Warehouse field, enter the warehouse code (store number), or use F2 look up to select, continue to the Start Item Group and select the Product group to be counted

Using the same table code will allow only that particular Group to be counted, to count more than one Product group, enter the first group number and then the second group to be counted,

Leaving any fields blank will allow the system to only use the parameters chosen 


  1. Continue to the Prepare/Freeze Details section of the page, and enter your parameters,

Note: when a field has had a default change that the new selection is then set as the new default, use the Ctrl key, and right click on the mouse to set the new default.

Start/End cyclic cut-off date

The Cyclic cut-off date field is left blank and is only used in conjunction with the Stocktake Cyclic Code.

Freeze Date

When a date is entered, an entry for the Include/Exclude/Time field is required. When this field is left blank, the freeze quantity is the current on-hand quantity.


This is applicable only when a date is entered in the Freeze Date field.

Clear (R)ange, (N)o

R Clear the stocktake records in the range specified in the Stocktake Details area

N Do not clear stocktake records

Freeze Cost From

W Cost is the same as the average cost in the item warehouse record

Use 1 stocktake record per item

When this field is set to N, the count needs to be entered for individual FIFO records (First-in/First-out. Inventory rotation that issues the material which has been in stock the longest.)

Show warehouse stock on sheets

N Specify whether to print the warehouse on-hand quantities in the stocktake sheets

Print Sequence/Order

S Stocktake sheet is printed in item code sequence

L Stocktake Sheet is printed in location sequence

Incl Non-moving Items w/zero OH balances

Y Include in the stocktake.

N Will remove 0 items with old sales history from count.

Serialised Items Only

B Process both serialised and non-serialised items

Unprepared or All items

A Prepare for all items specified on the Prepare Stocktake screen

Print Location & Bulk loc – If being used

N Not printed 

Y = Printed

Print extended item description

Y Print all three lines of the item description on the stocktake sheets

N Prints only one line of the item description on the stocktake sheets

Nbr blank lines between items

Enter 0 Will remove spacing between sheets and reduce pages used.

Print Serial Numbers on sheets

N or Y Specify whether to print the serial numbers on the stocktake sheets if using Serial or batch tracking.

Print GTIN’s on sheets

N Specify whether to print the GTINs (Global Trade Item Number) on the stocktake sheet

Item Group

N Specify whether to include the item group in the stocktake sheet.

Print Piece Details

N Print the piece details for items where the Lineal Metre option is selected on the Additional Processing Control screen of the Process Requirement field.

  1. Click OK to open the Stocktake Preparation report, and print the required amount of copies

  1. Items can now be counted; team members can manually enter the results against the item code 

With the Items counted, results can now be entered.

  1. Select Refreeze items for Stocktake (INV M183)this takes into consideration the time taken between the start of the count and the finish, and any sales order updates that may have occurred.

Enter the stocktake control code (noted from Prepare Stocktake), and enter the same parameters as in Prepare Stocktake, or use F2 look up to select.

The Stocktake Details will automatically load, continue to the Prepare Freeze Details section, the Freeze date field needs to be set it to the current day.

Enter remaining Parameter settings to 

Freeze Cost From W

Use 1 stocktake record per item N

Set count Qty to Zero N

Serial Items Only B

  1. Click OK, the stock is now refrozen and will correct any quantities if there have been any transactions.

  1. Select Enter Stocktake Counts

Enter the Stocktake Control Code to load the parameters in the Stocktake Details section.

  1. In the Units section set the default to N to input items as each, or Y to enter Multi units such as Pallets, Cartons and Each.
  2. The Processing Modes section provides a multiple-choice selection, in this instance we will choose SIf you have sorted by location, set this to L

6. With the Stocktake Entry page now open at the first item code, the Actual Count Qty field will be at zero, enter the counted amount and confirm, the Item details section will change to the next Item Code, continue to update the quantities

When all Quantities have been entered Totals report will show Counts entered

  1. There are reports that can now be run to show the results of the count.

Go to StocktakeStocktake Reports(INV X026) select the desired report

1.Differences Report.

2.Counts Variations Report. 

3.Valuations Report.

4. Uncounted Items Report.

Differences Report.

Use this report to show any uncounted or Altered items from pre count.

Enter the Stocktake Control Code to recall the count parameters, then select S for the Item or Location Order, and OK, the report will then open.

Counts Variations Report. 

This report to show any variation to original pre stocktake figure which includes dollar variance.

Enter the Stocktake Control Code to recall the count parameters, then select the Reporting Options, the report will then open. 

Note: If the counted Qty was the same as the frozen Qty it will not show on the report

Valuation Report.

Use this report to show the count adjusted post stocktake valuations.

Enter the Stocktake Control Code to recall the count parameters, then select S for the Reporting Sequence field, and OK, the report will then open.

Uncounted Items Report.

Use this report to show any uncounted items.

Enter the Stocktake Control Code to recall the count parameters, then select N for the Show Items with a non-zero warehouse quantity field, and OK, the report will then open.

To View the stocktake at anytime

  1. Go to StocktakeMaintain Stocktake ControlStock Enquiry MaintenanceItem Code Order, 

The Data Grid contains the Item Group counted Stocktakeif any incorrect counts were found in a report, use Correct mode function to allow the Quantity to be corrected.

Updating the General Ledger  

Should ONLY be done when stocktake figures are agreed and performed by senior management. Permission levels do apply in Pronto 

  1. Go to StocktakeMaintain Stocktake ControlGL Update Inventory Ledger (INV T023), 
  2. Enter the Stocktake Control Code to recall the Stocktake count parameters, 
  3. Enter the initials of the Counter and the Count Checker
  4. Set the Are All Counts Entered field to N(it is very Important to set the default for thfield to N to avoid the system miscalculating the count and writing of stock.)

  1. Click OK to Update the General Ledger
  2. Enter through the Transaction Entry screen

  1. Tick the Do not show again box and Select Yes to continue and Confirm.


  1. Click OK, the report will now run and then open

The Stocktake is now completed for the selected parameters.

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