A deposit may be required for items that are special buy ins for the customer, i.e., Tow Bars, and non Pedders Product, a deposit is normally taken to ensure there is no financial loss to the store and provides commitment from the customer.
Step1. Using Create Estimate in Workshop IQ, search for the customer and select them if available, if the customer is not found, create a new customer.
2. Select the Parts, Fitting and Service items required for the customer,
3. Save the Estimate and Checkout to POS, (Point of Sale)
4. Open Point of Sale, Resume Workshop and open the sale, if only one item is required to have a deposit, click the Back-Order button, if multiple items require a deposit, click the extra button and then the Back Order all lines button.
5. Select the Payment type, the Back Order Payment Details screen will open and show a 50% tender amount as a default, (The tender amount can be adjusted to less or the full amount)
6. Confirm the tender amount and Enter, to print the customer’s invoice.
Finalising the Customers Back-Order sale
Once the goods have been received into the stores inventory, the Back Order can now be completed.
1. In Point of Sale there is two options to retrieve the Back Order, both options will open a DataGrid of all Back Orders.
Option 1: Select the Resume button, then the Back Order button, this will only show outstanding Back Orders.
Option 2: Select Resume All Orders, this will show all current Back and Sales Orders.
2. Select the sale, the balance of the invoice can now be paid.
3. Conclude the sale to the Customer.