SharePoint - Differences between Team Site and Intranet

SharePoint - Differences between Team Site and Intranet

Our SharePoint intranet is the initial screen that is presented once you have initially logged into the site, which is for all Pedders employees to navigate. This is shown below and can easily be identified by the red toolbars:

Team Site is designed specifically for members of your team within Pedders, which will consist of content that's useful to you and your team (department, project, store etc.). To access your team site, you will need to navigate to the Corporate tab, and then hover your cursor over the 'Teams' menu. You will be given a selection of Team Sites like this:

Once you've found your team's site within the list, go ahead and click on it. You will be directed to the Team Site which will have articles, files, calendars and other useful information tailored to you and your team. You can also upload files, a guide for this is available here. Note that Team Sites have a black toolbar at the top of page (to delineate from the red Intranet toolbars).

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